

市场营销 Department Website

From analysis to creative execution, marketing is a broad field with many opportunities.

的 marketing major explores the process of identifying customer needs and how to provide desired goods and services. 市场营销 tracks emphasize specific career paths and allow tailoring of the program to student interests. Skills are developed in decision-making, analysis of marketing problems, and how to develop and implement marketing plans.


Bureau of Labor Statistics states marketing employment should increase 10% from 2020 to 2030. 市场营销 positions are found in most organizations, providing lucrative compensation and ongoing career advancement. Entry-level jobs include assistant brand manager, marketing assistant, social media coordinator, product marketing assistant, market re搜索 analyst, and sales representative.

Our students prepare for careers in marketing management, marketing re搜索 and analytics, product management, consumer analysis, professional selling and sales management, advertising and promotional management, and digital marketing.

Paid internship opportunities are available during the school year and summer. 实习 help majors gain valuable on-the-job experience and a competitive edge in today’s job market. 实习 are available in the Des Moines area with organizations such as 的 Principal Financial Group, Nationwide Insurance, 富国银行(Wells Fargo), Dotdash-Meredith, Kemin, 爱荷华州的幼崽, and a variety of marketing agencies. 学生 have also interned across the country at 迪斯尼, 亚马逊, 雪人, ESPN, Denver Broncos, 和其他人.

Our graduates have secured positions with a wide range of organizations, including many on the Fortune 500 list:

  • 亚马逊
  • 苹果
  • 波音公司
  • Colorado Rockies
  • 迪斯尼
  • DotDash-Meredith
  • ESPN
  • 谷歌
  • Kraft-Heinz
  • 雀巢
  • 宝洁公司 & 赌博
  • 推特
  • 联合利华
  • United Health Group
  • 雪人
  • 3M


25-28 credits are required for a 市场营销 major. 市场营销 majors typically take psychology in their freshman year. 市场营销 courses begin in the sophomore year.

For the student seeking marketing knowledge without the extra business school coursework, we offer a marketing minor. This has 15 credits of marketing coursework and is available to all Drake students.

For a comprehensive list of courses for 市场营销 offered by the Zimpleman College of Business, visit this page.


Select students enhance their resumes by participating as team members on consulting projects. Past clients include Coca-Cola, Nike, Yahoo!, Kiewit Corporation, and Scooters.

的 American 市场营销 Association (AMA) is the principal professional association for marketers around the world. 的 AMA has a student chapter at Drake as well as a professional chapter in Des Moines. Student members are invited to attend professional chapter meetings in addition to the on-campus monthly student chapter meetings.


We love talking about the great things happening at Drake, but nothing beats a visit to campus. Let us know you're coming, and we'll arrange for you to meet professors, sit in on a class, or just hang out with current students.


Chip Miller, 托马斯·F. Sheehan Distinguished Professor of 市场营销/Department Chair
Zimpleman College of Business

市场营销 Department Website
